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To search for Powders by selecting caliber and weight click here.
-the returned results will list in descending order most common powders and recipe counts for each powder. By default recipes from all six reloading manuals will be searched, but you can also filter by a specific manual or all manuals on the original search page.

To search by Powder(s) click here
-the returned results will indicate calibers and bullet weights supported by each powder, as well as to which manual(s) to refer to for specific load data.

To see a summarized caliber-only list by Powder, click here

To view the Powder summary data, click here.
-this an alphabetical listing of all powders, count of unique calibers, count of unique caliber and weight combinations, and total recipe counts for each powder. This data can be used to gauge which powders are the most popular based upon how frequently the different reloading manuals reference them.

To see a listing of which Manuals contain a list of which calibers/weights are currently being tracked in this site, click here.
-note not all manuals contain load data for all calibers, especially when the calibers are not overly common like 5.7 x 28mm FN.

The intention of this site is help people cross reference what powders will work for your specific calibers. Another objective is to identify powders which are common across multiple calibers.

Please note that no specific load or powder charge weights are provided anywhere on this site, rather the data listed within is merely a peg count of and pointer to specific reloading manuals that will contain the specific load data. The intention here is to help users identify what powders that a vendor has in stock will work for you while you are at the counter, and also to help identify in which manual consult to find that specific data. Hopefully this will help to eliminate the need to make multiple trips back and forth to the store, or will help to keep you stocked should another powder run occur.

Hope this data helps, and happy reloading.